Thursday, November 1, 2012

Promotion Open Call

One of Easl's team members had some troubles with Hurricane Sandy. We are stepping up to help out anyway we can.
Hurricane Sandy took out a neighbor's tree onto her yard, and a lady's GOT to pay deductibles! 

Bring it!!!!!!!!!

Use one or both of her shops:

You can add other EASL members if you like as well, using our favorites database of teamies:

There is also a fundraiser going on here:
(I have her paypal email too, which I will send via convo if you'd prefer).

This was written by Easl Team leader Rose of Rotifera and

Here is a glimpse of the items in Leslie's shops.

This is from her shop.
Leslie has so many beautiful item in both of her shops. You can really loose yourself in all of her items.

Talk to you later,


  1. YAHOO! We are rocking and rolling--- over 30% raised so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for promoting this on the blog, Karen!!!

  2. fabulous ! wishing Leslie the best !
